Tuesday 31 January 2012

Day 29 - Simon the Loveable Murder!!

Simon, an incredibly talented guy and as sick in clay form as he is in real life, poor Jamie.
Check out his work on www.hisnameistim.com, http://bebo.com/81zombie and http://youtube.com/user/81zombie

Saturday 28 January 2012

Day 28 - I Think you Hit your Head?

Another zombie today and this one goes to the boys and girl, who had a very good day on youtube today with their series Zomblogalypse.

Day 27 - Taking Care of Business

Hector is an Elephant that had a fear. Like many of his type he hated mice, but decided that enough was enough, and started his own company.

Day 26 - Paper'o'Masher

Ever wonder how you seem to get through toilet roll so fast? Well look no further then behind the loo as that is where this thief hides.
The Roll Troll, or sometimes known as The Toilet Bull (because of it’s horns), is a creature that loves to munch away on loo paper.
Like a hamster it stores some of the paper in pouches in its mouth.
Idea by Kieron Heath

Day 25 - Goaty Head

Another head, which started as the devil, but turned into another test of the human noggin.

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Day 23/24 - Different aliens, Same Force

I have designed two aliens out of some of the left over clay from the first 22 models.
The first is a parrot wearing white Armour with a red triangle on it, I liked it so much that I made the second model wear a similar costume.
The thing about the second one was I made it big to make it look like his fat is rolling out the side of his clothes, just look at the helmet, a tight fit!

Monday 23 January 2012

Day 22 - Till Death Do Us Part

Last night I was talking to my girlfriend’s friend, Angela, and she very nicely asked if she could put in a request. She asked for a bride (I think as she is marrying soon) so I went about creating a bride but putting my own spin on it.

I can not decide if I should add blood or not, let me know what you guys think, or if you want to request any models for me to build.

P.s. Have a look at the video I made for more detail on the videos.

Sunday 22 January 2012

Day 21 - Kraken = Water?

We return back to the Self Help Centre this week to face a very angry scaly customer.

The Kraken is known for coming out of the deep waters destroying a pirate ship or eating a fair maiden, but this Kraken has a really big problem that is stopping him from performing in his job.
He can not swim!

Saturday 21 January 2012

Day 20 - Paper Troll

Yesterday was Dad’s Birthday and today the cards stand tall on the TV unit, but not for long.
For hundreds of years the Paper Troll has roamed the dark dank areas of the home, sneaking out in the midnight hours to snack on a letter head or orange bill.
The thing these Trolls love the most is a nice thick birthday card, and they love them so much that they will let their guard down and come out in bright daylight. Allowing me to get a picture of one!

Friday 20 January 2012

Day 19 - Brown Dog is the Top Dog

Everyone knows that dogs have it in for cats unless your Garfield. But in the home of Red Cat, Brown Dog is a very good housemate and friend, always helping out and never late with the rent! Plus he is the only one who was the guts to stand up to Black Bat!

Day 18 - Stay Away from the Cookie Cutter!!!

We now know that Arts and Crafts is a good time to stay away from Lucy Black, so I have no idea why this monster thought it was a good idea to bother her while she was making cookies!

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Day 17 - The Life of a Clay Actor

Ted has a little problem, and some people have picked up on it since they meet him, he looks a little like the American star Gumby.
Why is that a problem you cry, well Ted finds it very hard to get work while he looks like the famous actor, and because he is red and not green he can not even get impersonation work. So he has to get any work he can, even if it is being a tree in panto!

Plus those costumes are very hard to walk in!

Monday 16 January 2012

Day 16 - The Undead Comes to Clay!!

People who know me know I like a good (or even bad) horror movie, and one type of horror movie that is seen a lot these days is the Zombie film, who could not enjoy a good scare from a member of the walking dead! Well I have started a series which I hope to include many different types of zombies. Today’s half corpse can not seem to stand up he must be a bit leg less!

Sunday 15 January 2012

Day 15 - Religion in Space?!?

Who knew that space was filled with monks! Well now you have the proof!

Saturday 14 January 2012

Day 13/14 - SHC (Self Help for Creatures)

Today we visit the Self Help Centre and on a Friday night after the AA meeting, the hall holds a meeting for creatures of evil who seem to be having problems with their line of work.
First we have Davy a Cyclops who seems to have lost his frightening skills and seems that people only laugh at him and what he thinks is a “cool” hair style!
Secondly, I had the pleasure of meeting a very old creature indeed, the monstrous Minotaur!
Sadly he was not looking his best as no one that come to his Labyrinth of late, so he was terribly skinny from very little food, so much so that he can not even lift his mighty battle axe! O dear!!

Thursday 12 January 2012

Day 12 - Cat in a Duck Costume!

Red Cat was a bit pissed at me when he found out that I went to the Boat Show without him, after he had dug out his Donald Duck costume!

Wednesday 11 January 2012