Monday 27 February 2012

Day 51 - Say Hello To The Greenies!

This week I have found a species of monster, The Greenies.

Martin here is a farmer by trade, using his long bony fingers to plough the fields.

Sadly at an early age Martin disfigured his own face by trying to pull giant stones out of the ground only using his teeth, now his mouth is stuck open for good.

Day 50 - Poncho De La Cruz

This is the first of the “I am Tim” crew, and it just happens to be Poncho (played by me).
Not my best version of Poncho, let us hope the rest are better!

Friday 24 February 2012

Day 49 - Nic

My ex house mate Nicola, asked for a likeness so I tried and this is what I got.
Her body is a funny shape as I am trying out different metal frames inside the models so to get the right shape for animation.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Day 48 - The Only Thing To Do With A Bucket

This is my fav model so far. It came so smoothly.
And after a few people had kept asking I have done my first animation and it stars Bucket head!

Day 47 - Ginger

As I have said before “If you ask you will get”. And so Anna got her cat!

Day 46 - Role Playing

A friend of mine said that I should make models of people I knew, and I asked him who I should make, and he suggested himself. So I did!

But I added my own touch. Pete likes role playing games, so I made him into a wizard!

Day 45 - Never Piss Off Love!

On this romantic (HA!) day, I made this heart without really thinking. Let us say Mel was not too happy!

Day 44 - Why Do All My Dragons Look The Same?

Purple Dragon, having a sleep, waiting for her next victim [Insert Evil Laugh].

Day 43 - Awwww Sunday.

As it was Sunday, it felt right to do a granddad! Relaxing in a warm jumper with a nice cuppa!

Day 42 - Friendly Neighbourhood Blobby!

My second blobby, and as I seem to be either making models or reading a graphic novel, it felt right to do one of a famous superhero.

Spider-man may look simple but there is a lot of detail in him!

Day 41 - EYE, EYE!!

Just do not ask me who’s it is!

Day 40 - A Child Likes it So it Must be Good!

This one was cheated a little as I stole the idea from the front of the plasticine packet. But my niece likes it so who cares!

Monday 13 February 2012

Day 39 - Jack "Blobby" Sparrow

I’m trying out a new idea. I want to do models of my fav actors and characters from film and TV but have my own unique twist on it. So I’m calling this my blobby range. Starting with Captain Jack Sparrow!

Day 38 - Jack "The Snowman" Frost

Because of the snow today, I created something themed, but with a twist, “Say hello to my little friend”!

Who knew Snowmen made such good gangsters!

I think that would make a great animated show!

Day 37 - Devil

Not a great model today just playing around with the idea of the devil, and this is what I ended up with!

Day 36 - Dino Love

I’m not the only one who seems to have a thing for Melissa.
The Dinosaur that was living in my pot a noodle, Derek, has fallen for her and will not stop looking at her. I better watch out on February 14th!

Day 35 - DUCK!!

This is my new duck. God if you are reading this please make this a real bird!

Day 34 - Every Good Detective Is a Heavy Smoker.

A detective of the night.
A hacking cough and a face that is hardly seen are just a couple of this man’s bad details, but he is one hell of a detective!

Day 33 - Sea Creatures ..... With Glasses!?!

Squids are not normally green, nor do they wear glasses. Well who knew?

Day 32 - Quack, Quack!

Mel asked for a duck and as soon as I got yellow I promised her a duck, and now that I have my early learning centre plasticine I have not let her down.

Day 31 - Silly Hoodies!

Some kids are just bad apples and this hoodie is ruining my studio!!!!

Day 30 - Ted Just Keeps Trying

As you know Ted is an actor, and he finally has a role on a massive American TV show!
Well a role is a role!