Friday 25 May 2012

Day 125 - So Many Good Beers

To celebrate the 3rd Norton Beer Festival, to those who may have drunk too much!

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Day 124 - Purple Was Not My Idea!!

 A request I have been sitting on for a while is this lovely, funny coloured chap. If your struggling to guess he is indeed a Purple Pug, you have Kate Steele to thank. 

Day 123 - Never Smile!!!

Ok I just watched my first Roger Moore Bond Film, and I tell you what I really enjoyed it, but I was joking to Mel about him escaping by hopping over crocodiles, I did not think he would really do it! 

Day 122 - I Wonder If They Get Stuck In The Hats?

Epic Phil a rabbit. 

A rabbit who does not know when to say no, this life is just full of non-stop action! Today though he seems to have got a little stuck! 

 I can prove it I have video evidence! 

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Day 121 - Who Pulled the Plug?

It is simply mean to empty the bath when all you want to do is a little light diving! 

120 - D.I.Y For Dummies!

D.I.Y is a good hobby. But not if you keep getting stuck in the vice and crushed to death, that is just pointless.

Day 119 - CD Use 113#

Why throw away your old CD’s when they make perfect spinning death machines. 

Day 118 - Slice and Dice

Some food is better prepared with a meat cleaver, and by look of it so are some bodies. 

Day 117 - Shredded

While getting rid of some of them documents that clutter up the place, I discovered that someone had already done some de-cluttering.

Day 116 - Everyone Loves Lego, Apart From the Clay People!

It’s as if the Lego guys knew that the Avengers was out and worth killing someone for!

Day 115 - Flattened!

. I did warn this guy not to stand too close to Gary (the statue), now he is skinner then some super models.

Day 114 - 20 Minutes on 180 c/ Fan 170 c

Who knew what would happen if a Clay person got put in an oven, well now you can see the results below. Bet he tastes horrid.

Day 113 - No Escape!!

Everyone loves a zombie themed TV/Film, but no one loves to be trapped in one!

Thanks to Zomblogalypse for letting me use the DVD.

Day 112 - Hanging Out

. Normally the place for my dressing gown (Housecoat), it has been replaced with someone’s vocal cords!

Day 111 - Pure Fat

When deciding to have some sauce with my chips, I think having mayo was a bad idea.

Day 110 - Can I Smell Burning!?

Toast is a good meal, breakfast, lunch or dinner; it works at any time of the day! But you cannot just toast anything and you definitely cannot toast Clay people!

Day 109 - Road Rage

As I went out for my driving lesson I noticed that someone had tried to back out the drive and nailed one of the little guys, was it an accident?

Day 108 - Wash N Roll

 Weekly clothes wash and this week I was surprised to see that my T-shirts were not the only thing to go for a spin. At least now he will be really good at rolling.

Day 107 - Hot Air

Who knew the heat of a hair dryer could destroy your mid-section.

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Day 106 - Pin Cushion

Of late this pin board was in need of a bit of coverage, but this guy got a bit too close to the board, and the pins!

Day 105 - All Lit Up

I know, I know, it is a bit late in the year for Christmas lights but I never knew it would be lighting up more than the walls!

Day 104 - We Got a Sinker!

Washing up is normally an easy, relaxing task, this man relaxed a little too much. But someone made it impossible for escape!

Day 103 - Where are the Book Ends?

These graphic novels are normally light reading, not sure if it was to light for this bloke.

Day 102 - Air Tight

Like a trapped bug, this guy finally ran out of air.