Monday 12 November 2012

The Move From Models to Animation

At the beginning of this year I made a promise to myself that I would try to make a model a day for 366 days. I knew at the time that it was a bit of a big ask, as I’m not very good with deadlines, but I truly felt I would keep to it! So it makes me sad to realise that I am so behind. I could power though and try and catch up but I do not see the point when I will probably get so behind again. In the long run though, I have discovered something that I think is a step forward in what I do. 

After a couple of months of doing the models, people started to ask if I was tempted to do animations, to bring the models to life. At first I dismissed the idea as I had done the whole stop motion thing at an early age and thought at the time it was too hard, but I decided that was the wrong attitude and I had to give it a second try, and I’m so glad I did. It is great to see your creations come to life and when seeing what I could do with Buckethead I was quite impressed.

It fueled me to make more, creating life into both Ted and Epic Phil. 

And looking back on the animations I done over the last 5 months, I’m quite proud of what I have achieved so far. From that I have decided to not stop the blog or even give up making the models, but instead have the blog concentrate more on the films. Because when you think about it I am still creating a whole lot of models for the films, therefore it makes sense to write blogs which talk about the making of the films and include pictures of the models. Who knows I may still make it to 366 models!!

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