Monday 24 March 2014

Clay Dead!!!!

The Undead is something that will never die, ha pun, no I mean it. Zombies are something that will always get the big bucks and today we can see the genre in so many forms, not just films and TV but also video games, music videos and now even young children's toys. When I first decided that I wanted to make movies at the age of 17, I was given a video camera and told to go create, and I did. I followed a dream. It was one that I had thought about for a while and when given the opportunity to make a short film of my choice I jumped straight into making a zombie trailer.

Since then I have wanted to create something with zombies in it. What i mean is something full, like a film or a novel. Problem is everything has been done to death. Even ideas that I have told Mel about and she told me it would never work, next thing you know a film has been made and Billy Connolly is playing the lead role!! I think it is hard to create a film that breaks the norm and a lot of Zombie movies have that curse. Yer in recent years there have been some nice little gems in the genre, like Zombieland, Warm Bodies and ParaNorman. But every hit has it's bombs, just look at the Resident Evil series!!! Anyway back to the point, when getting back into the modelling one of my favorite things to create was a good old zombie face, a creature with a slack jaw, missing eye-ball, ripped ears and bones coming out of the neck.

So the other day, when going through some old model pieces I noticed a T-shirt i made a couple years ago for a model of a friend of mine and because of its blood soaked look I decided to re-use it on a creation of a zombie killer. Once finishing the man I felt it was only fair to give him a few friends to pick off, cos one zombie is never enough!! This became a small scene featuring 3 zombies, one including a head I made quite early on in my time of 366 clay.


If you have liked the pictures or even if you do not, but you like a good zombie flick or series, then check out the lovely tale of 3 close(ish) friends who are just trying to live life while the living dead strokes the streets around them. Zomblogalypse is a lovingly created web-series shot in York by 3 film makers, on little budget but a great love for the genre. Featuring some great one off characters, the beautiful City of York itself and a cool little twist on the found footage genre, this series is really worth a look, and it will get you ready for the up and coming movie!! Plus I have a very small part!!! I mean tiny, blink and you will miss me!! Enjoy!  

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